Saturday 27 January 2018


Lego is loved by everyone, and so is the classic VW Bus, so it makes sense for Lego to mash these incredible things together, to create the ultimate present for that Bus enthusiast we all know. We’ve search the web for our top 5 favourite lego buses, some real and some created using custom parts, but nonetheless spectacular to look at! The original Lego VW Bus has been used for many of these builds too!
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The top 10 most terrifying monsters of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition

Slaadi are basically frog men with some pretty horrifying attributes. While you're in danger of them just outright gobbling you up, that's probably not what's going to happen to you. Instead, it's more likely that you'll be injected full of tadpole babies by glands under their claws. These tadpoles eventually nom their way out of you and then go on to become more Slaadi. Other times, they can infect you with a disease called chaos phage, which promptly turns you into a full fledged member of their species.
These chaos beasts can also shape-shift into just about any sized humanoid, meaning that your best friend could actually be a toad demon. This theory actually explains a lot about my friends...
Much like their name implies, ropers enjoy roping things -- mainly you. They are often silent and stoic, waiting inside of a deep forest or dark cavern disguised as a tree trunk or stalagmite. When you've gotten close enough, they whip out at you with their tendrils in an attempt to drag you into their cavernous maw. Once caught by their tentacles, tiny hairlike growths on their limbs sink into your skin and suck the strength from you. They can digest nearly anything, and their digestive juices fetch a high price on the market, so there's a plus!
You may be familiar with these guys from the Final Fantasy series. The Dungeons and Dragons variety are pretty similar in terms of how dangerous they are. They're described as some sort of hideous lizard-bat-bird, and are well known for their ability to turn victims of their attacks to stone.
What's interesting is that besides the fact that getting scratched by one turns you into a human gargoyle, they're actually not too scary. Their diet is not to dissimilar to a normal uhh...bat...lizard...bird thing. It's just that when they get riled up they go completely bonkers on you, and it only takes one small scratch to begin the petrification process.
Perytons are some pretty creepy bird monsters. First off, let me direct your attention to the fact that they have teeth. Super useful for them, considering they have a diet consisting of humanoids, like humans or elves. Once downed, the peryton pulls out its prey's heart and brings it back to its mate to feed. This is how they mate.
Apparently some bards spread rumors that there was once a woman who ate the heart of her husband's mistress in an attempt to gain his love. Carrion birds ate her corpse after she was hung for the crime, and these peryton are an embodiment of her vengeance. Then again, bards romanticize everything.
5Carrion Crawlers
Oh wow, that is one big bunch of nope. Carrion Crawlers have a lot going for them in the creepy factor. First off, they prefer to hunt in dark environments, and will follow their prey for hours on end. They will find blind corners to hide behind and attempt to surprise their soon-to-be meal, often dropping from above or pulling you into their nests with their dexterous tentacles. As their name implies, they are often drawn to areas permeated with death, such as cemeteries or battlefields. You don't want to be found by these guys.
6Skin Kites
We're cheating a little here and going to Forgotten Realms to discuss this monster, but no list of terrifying Dungeons and Dragons enemies would be complete without discussing something as awful as skin kites. They are literally kites of skin. I don't know what you expected, but the point is they're just awful.
Their bodies are made up of the skin types of their recent prey, and they fall slowly from the sky onto their victims, tearing off sections of skin and absorbing it into their rotting bodies. This is how they keep themselves alive, and there are no real limits to how big they can get -- it's all dependent on how often they feed. See? Creepy.
Yochlols are shape-changers, so what you see is just one form of many. They are a form of demon that happens to also be telepathic and extremely sadistic. When you encounter a Yochlol, it may present itself as a beautiful man or woman to gain your sympathies, before transforming into a poisonous mist to engulf its prey, or a giant spider to consume any unfortunates found to be too trusting.
If you escape, they will gladly whisper their name into your mind, so you know that somewhere out there, this particular servant of Lolth remembers you, and is hunting you down.
8Lolth, Queen of the Spiders
Spider queen of the Drow race, Lolth is considered to be cruel even among her followers. Vicious and depraved, this demon lord chooses to visit the material plane more often than most others of her kind. This is to make sure that her intricate webs of secrets and her maniacal and calculated plots are still proceeding as she desires, or simply to transform into her vicious spider form to terrorize her subordinates. Lolth is both merciless and equitable in her destruction, tearing apart those who displease her with spiked appendages and razor-sharp mandibles.
9Mind flayers
Now I know what you're thinking, "Mind flayers? That's an anti-climactic ending, we know all about mind flayers." I'm going to go ahead and take this opportunity to remind you what mind flayers can do. They literally flay your mind.
The nomenclature of these things is pretty simple, and they live up to it in a pretty horrible fashion. Several races of countless worlds have been enslaved by this species, and they have a diet subsisting of brain tissue. What's worse, is they gain an almost euphoric sensation while consuming you: eating your hopes, dreams, fears, where you left your's all delicious to them. They can even harvest brains and turn them into a whole new type of monster. It's pretty easy to see why they've become so well known, even among those who have never picked up a 20-sided die.
10Gelatinous Cubes (and other oozes)
Oozes are pretty creepy in general, as they don't really have any type of malicious purpose, they just exist to break down matter and gain nourishment from doing so. What makes gelatinous cubes so scary, however, is not their intent, but their inevitability.
Say you're doing your normal Monday-to-Friday thing, raiding tombs or whatnot, and suddenly you walk face first into a cold jelly substance. Most gelatinous cubes are made up of a substance so clear its near invisible. Once you've made contact, they pull you inside of them to prevent your escape, if no one is around to help you, then it's not likely you're ever getting out again. A lot like spider webs.
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6 Amazing Pictures of Nature's Creativity - Trees

1Discover the Lyngen Alps
The unspoilt mountains of the Lyngen Alps lie on a peninsular near the city of Tromsø, and serve as a paradise for those seeking adventure in the wilderness. The region is well inside the Arctic Circle, meaning that you will get an incredible view of the Northern Lights or the Midnight Sun, depending on which time of year you visit, as well as fantastic snow conditions which mean that skiing is possible from sea level. Whether you want to hike, cycle, fish, ski or scuba dive, local companies offer an array of outdoor opportunities to cater for all tastes.
2Get out on the water at Geirangerfjord
Geirangerfjord is one of Norway’s many jaw-droppingly beautiful fjords, and a scenic ferry ride from Hellesylt to Geiranger is a great way to take in the serene, emerald waters and cascading waterfalls you will pass on both sides. For a more active experience, hire a kayak and explore the area for yourself!
3Look over the edge at Preikestolen
A few hours hike up the side of Lysefjord, one of Norway’s most picturesque fjords, will take you to the iconic observation platform Preikestolen or Pulpit Rock as it is commonly called in English. From your vantage point above the fjord, you can gaze at the water over 600 meters below at what is truly one of the most remarkable views on the planet.
4Witness the Northern Lights
The Northern Lights remain a piece of natural theatre which continues to draw visitors to Norway from around the world. The aurora borealis can be seen between late autumn and early spring, and a sighting is likely to be one of many mystical Norway memories which stay with you forever. Bear in mind that the Northern Lights do not appear everywhere in Norway and that the best way to experience them is travel where there is as little light pollution as possible.
5Visit the Capital
Oslo is situated spectacularly at the top of Oslofjord, bordered on one side by serene blue waters and on the other by an expanse of forest, Oslomarka, with Nordmarka offering another accessible outdoor playground to the south. The city itself is full of attractions ranging from the National Gallery, which houses Edvard Munch’s famous painting The Scream, to institutions revolving around the country’s heritage, such as the world’s best preserved Viking Ship and the Fram Museum. Oslo is easily explored on foot, and its eclectic nightlife ensures that you will have plenty of entertainment to choose from once the sun goes down.
6Hit the slopes
Norway boasts countless ski resorts, great snow and a season which normally lasts for six months, making it the perfect destination for snow sport enthusiasts of all abilities. There is also a staggering variety of terrain, ranging from the Olympic standard alpine tracks at Hafjell, to the cross country skiing paths dotted throughout the Jotunheimen national park.

Friday 26 January 2018

10 of the Most Amazing Lego Model Creations

1Mec Lego
In terms of innovation and creative expression, Lego art has gained prominence over the last few years. The bright, colorful and always inspirational Lego brick serve as an excellent medium to help artists provide a lively expression of their art and ideas. These Lego creations are not all the biggest, not all the most intricate and not all the famous…but they are really, really cool. You could almost call these designs art, they carry the style and character of each talented and creative designer.
2Life Sized Indiana Jones
3Lego Taj Mahal
4Beauty and the Beast
5Lego Bison Sculpture
7Hummingbird Sculpture
9Lego A380 Plane
10Lego all stars
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LEGO Hogwarts

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or simply Hogwarts is a fictional boarding school of magic for budding witches and wizards that appears in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels and derived works such as the movie series. The school was also the subject of a vast number of LEGO sets from the Harry Potter

The World's Top 10 Economies

1United States
The U.S. economy remains the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP. The $19.42 trillion U.S. economy is 25% of the gross world product. The United States is an economic superpower that is highly advanced in terms of technology and infrastructure and has abundant natural resources. However, the U.S. economy loses its spot as the number one economy to China when measured in terms of GDP based on PPP. In these terms, China’s GDP is $23.19 trillion exceeds the U.S. GDP of $19.42 trillion. However, the U.S. is way ahead of China in terms of GDP per capita in nominal terms as well as PPP; GDP per capita (PPP) for the U.S. economy is approximately $59,609 versus $16,676 in China. In nominal terms, China’s GDP per capita further falls to $8,480.
China has transformed itself from a centrally-planned closed economy in the 1970s to a manufacturing and exporting hub over the years. Since it initiated market reforms in 1978, the Asian giant has achieved economic growth averaging 10% annually (though it’s slowed recently) and, in the process, lifted almost half of its 1.3 billion population out of poverty and become the undisputed second-largest economy on Earth. The Chinese economy has already overtaken the U.S. economy in terms of GDP, based on another measure known as purchasing power parity (PPP), and is estimated to pull ahead of the U.S. steadily in the following years. However, the difference between the economies in terms of nominal GDP remains large with China's $11.8 trillion economy. The Chinese economy has long been known for its strong growth, a growth of over 7% even in recent years. However, the country saw its total GDP growth go down to 6.7% in 2016 and is projected to slow to 6.6% in 2017, and further decline to 5.7% by 2022. The country's economy is propelled by an equal contribution from manufacturing and services (45% each, approximately) with a 10% contribution by the agricultural sector.
The nominal GDP for the U.S. and China for the year 2022 is estimated at $23.76 trillion and $17.71 trillion respectively, while the GDP in terms of PPP is projected at $23.76 trillion for the U.S. and $34.31 trillion for China.
Japan’s economy currently ranks third in terms of nominal GDP, while it slips to fourth spot when comparing the GDP by purchasing power parity. The economy has been facing hard times since 2008, when it first showed recessionary symptoms. Unconventional stimulus packages combined with subzero bond yields and weak currency have further strained the economy (for related reading, see: Japan's Economy Continues to Challenge Abenomics). Economic growth is once again positive, to about 1% in 2016 and further to around 1.2% in 2017; however, it is forecasted to stay below 1% during the next five years. The nominal GDP of Japan is $4.84 trillion, its GDP (PPP) is $5.42 trillion, and its GDP (PPP) per capita is $42,860.
Germany is Europe’s largest and strongest economy. On the world scale, it now ranks as the fourth largest economy in terms of nominal GDP. Germany’s economy is known for its exports of machinery, vehicles, household equipment, and chemicals. Germany has a skilled labor force, but the economy is facing countless of challenges in the coming years ranging from Brexit to the refugee crisis (for related reading, see: 3 Economical Challenges Germany Faces in 2016). The size of its nominal GDP is $3.42 trillion, while its GDP in terms of purchasing power parity is $4.13 trillion. Germany’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $49,814, and the economy has moved at a moderate pace of 1-2% in recent years and is forecasted to stay that way.
5 United Kingdom
he United Kingdom, with a $2.5 trillion GDP, is currently the world’s fifth largest. Its GDP in terms of PPP is slightly higher at $2.91 trillion while its GDP (PPP) per capita is $44,001. The economy of the UK is primarily driven by services, as the sector contributes more than 75% of the GDP. With agriculture contributing a minimal 1%, manufacturing is the second most important contributor to GDP. Although agriculture is not a major contributor to GDP, 60% of the U.K.’s food needs is produced domestically, even though less than 2% of its labor force is employed in the sector.
After the referendum in June 2016 when voters decided to leave the European Union, economic prospects for the UK are highly uncertain, and the UK and France may swap places. The country will operate under EU regulations and trade agreements for two years after the formal announcement of an exit to the European Council, in which time officials will work on a new trade agreement. Economists have estimated that Brexit could result in a loss of anywhere from 2.2-9.5% of GDP long term, depending on the trade agreements replacing the current single market structure. The IMF, however, projects growth to stay between 1.5-1.9% in the next five years.
India is the sixth largest economy in the world with a nominal GDP of $2.45 trillion. The country ranks third in GDP in terms of purchasing power parity at $9.49 trillion. The country’s high population drags its nominal GDP per capita down to $1,850. India’s GDP is still highly dependent on agriculture (17%), compared to western countries. However, the services sector has picked up in recent years and now accounts for 57% of the GDP, while industry contributes 26%. The economy’s strength lies in a limited dependence on exports, high saving rates, favorable demographics, and a rising middle class. India recently overtook China as the fastest growing large economy and is expected to jump up to rank fourth on the list by 2022.
France, the most visited country in the world, is now the seventh largest economies with a nominal GDP of $2.42 trillion. Its GDP in terms of purchasing power parity is around $2.83 trillion. France has a low poverty rate and high standard of living, which is reflected in its GDP (PPP) per capita of $43,652. The country is among the top exporters and importers in the world. France has experienced a slowdown over the past few years and the government is under immense pressure to rekindle the economy, as well as combat high unemployment which stood at 9.6% in Q12017 (a slight drop from 10% in Q42016). According to IMF forecasts the country's GDP growth rate is expected to rise over the next five years, and unemployment is expected to continue to go down.
8 Brazil
With its $2.14 trillion economy, Brazil now ranks as the eight largest economy by nominal GDP. The Brazilian economy has developed services, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors, with each sector contributing around 68%, 26%, and 6% respectively. Brazil is one of the BRIC countries, and was projected to continue to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world. However, the recession in 2015 caused Brazil to go from seventh to ninth place in the world economies ranking, with a negative growth rate of 3.6% (2016). The IMF expects the economy to grow at 0.2% during 2017, further recovering to 1.7% in 2018 and then to 2% during the next four years. The Brazilian GDP measured in purchasing power parity is $3.22 trillion, while its GDP (PPP) per capita is $15,485.
Italy’s $1.81 trillion economy is the world’s ninth largest in terms of nominal GDP. Italy is among the prominent economies of the Eurozone, but it has been impacted by the debt crisis in the region. The economy suffers from a huge public debt estimated to be about 133% of GDP, and its banking system is close to a collapse and in need of a bailout/bail-in. The economy is also facing high unemployment, but saw a positive economic growth in 2014 (0.1%) for the first time since 2011, which is projected to continue. The government is working on various measures to boost the economy that has contracted in recent years. The GDP measured in purchasing power parity for the economy is estimated at $2.3 trillion, while its per capita GDP (PPP) is $37,905. (See also: The European Banking Crisis Explained (DB))
Canada took over Russia to feature as the tenth largest economy in 2015. It’s $1.6 trillion is expected to touch $1.9 trillion by 2022, maintaining its lead over Russia. Canada has a highly service-oriented economy, and has had solid growth in manufacturing as well as in the oil and petroleum sector since the Second World War. However, the country is very exposed to commodity prices, and the decline in oil prices kept the economic growth under 1% in 2015 (down from 2.6% in 2014). The economy is expected to grow in the range of 1.8-2.0% during 2017-22. The GDP measured in purchasing-power parity is $1.75 trillion, and the GDP per capita (PPP) is $47,771.
The nominal GDP of the top 10 economies adds up to over 68% of the world’s economy, and the top 15 economies add up to about 76%. The remaining 172 countries constitute less than a quarter of the world’s economy.
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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Living Frugally: Top 10 Ways to Live Within Your Means

1 Set a Budget and Track Spending
Budgeting. Shiver. Just the thought can send you scurrying back into your "spend it and forget it" mentality. But, budgeting is the number one way for you to get your finances back on track. You have to do it, you have to. But, to make the processes less daunting, start small and budget only a few expenses at a time. You can simply use a paper and pencil and stick your budget on the fridge, or you can really make the process work for you by using an Excel spreadsheet, online personal finance tools like or even personal finance software such as Quicken Starter Edition.

As you look at your finances, remember, the main goal needs to be to spend less (much less, if you are able) than you earn. Your income must be greater than your expenditures.

Once you have set a budget, you need to track your spending. Again, you can use your Excel spreadsheet or, if you use an online personal finance tool, you can connect your credit and debit cards to your account and the tool will automatically make deductions for you.
2Never Pay Retail
Never pay the retail price. Let us rephrase that: Never, ever, ever pay the retail price. There is absolutely no reason to.

Shop sales: Yes, that blouse and those heels are totally "now" but they will still be "in" four to six weeks from the time you originally wanted to purchase the item, and they will be anywhere from 30 to 50 percent off. Be patient, wait for the sales and you can get two or three items for the price you were going to pay for one.

Use coupon codes: Before you purchase anything online, we recommend that you use an online coupon service, such as or CouponCabin. Stores don't always advertise their extra online deals, such as free shipping or 20 percent off your entire purchase, but coupon services such as RetailMeNot have these codes. Even 10 percent off your purchase is worth the extra five minutes it will take you to search.

Use coupons: Physical or found online, coupons are a fantastic way to save on groceries, household products and professional services. We suggest that you subscribe to the Sunday edition of the newspaper. In this edition, you will receive the SmartSource, RedPlum and the occasional other merchant inserts that contain hundreds of dollars worth of coupons. You don't have to become the crazy coupon lady to save money with coupons. Simply take stock of what you need and clip the coupons you know you will use. You will be done in 10 to 30 minutes. No fuss, no muss.

Second-hand shopping: We truly mourn for those of you who have yet to discover the magical world of garage sales, consignment shops and second-hand stores. You are missing out! There is no better way to save money on clothing for the entire family, not to mention household, craft, outdoor and entertainment items than to buy used. Don't make that face. Used does not equal gross. You can usually find brand-new or very gently used items at garage sales, consignment shops and second-hand stores.
3Distinguish Between Wants and Needs
Want and need. In our society, the terms seem interchangeable, but when it comes to saving money and keeping a budget, they are polar opposites.

Your basic needs are food, water and shelter. You need these things to survive. But, let's take an even closer look at these basic needs. Just because you need food, doesn't mean you should go out to eat every night to obtain sustenance. You can purchase food at a grocery store or farmer's market for much less. Dine in!

Before you purchase anything, large or small, stop for a few seconds and ask yourself "Do I really need this or do I just want it and can it wait for later?"
Pay yourself! You have budgeted money to go towards paying your car payment, mortgage, insurance, etc., but have you set aside money in the budget to pay yourself? You should try to put at least 10 percent of your paycheck into savings. You never know when something unexpected will happen, whether you lose your job or a loved one gets hurt. Having that extra cushion that savings provides will give you peace of mind that, if something does happen, you will be ready for it.
5Pay Off Your Debts
A mounting debt can haunt you. There is hope, however, and you can get out of debt. Just as you set aside money in your budget for savings, begin setting aside a small sum each month towards paying off your debt. Don't use that money for anything else besides this purpose. Slowly but surely, you will pay off that debt. If you have extra money at the end of the month in your budget, we recommend putting all of it towards paying down your debts.
6Set a Goal
Instead of purchasing items on a whim, open up another savings or checking account exclusively to hold your goal money. Do you want to vacation in Europe in the next five years? Set that as a goal and begin saving. You will be surprised at how much you can save by allotting a small sum of money to the account each month. This goal account is perfect for everything from trips and electronics to college.
7Plant a Garden
There are few things more satisfying than planting, cultivating and harvesting a garden. You don't have to live on a large chunk of land to plant a garden. If you live in a high-rise or an apartment building, you can plant small-crop items such as tomatoes, onions, lettuce and carrots in a planter box on your terrace. If you live in a home with a small yard, you can convert a flowerbed into a planting area. Or, if you don't have the time or energy to plant and harvest a garden all on your own, we recommend becoming a part of a community garden. There are community gardens all over the United States. To find one in your area, you can visit the American Community Gardening Association at Simply type in your zip code and the site will locate a community garden near you.
8Be Healthy
Nothing can send you into a downward financial spiral like medical bills, planned or unplanned. Maintaining a healthy body through healthy living is so important. Make sure that, if you have insurance, you go to all of your yearly checkups that, for the most part, are covered 100 percent by your provider. Do everything in your power to be healthy and you will save hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in medical bills every year.
9Pay With Cash or Debit Card
If you have credit card debt, or know that you have little self-control when it comes to shopping with a credit card, then we recommend that you pay for everything with cash or a debit card. You can still get the items you need, but you will not be accruing interest on your purchases, and once the cash is gone, it's gone. Depending on who you bank with, you can go into your personal settings and set limits for yourself. For example, if you spend over $50 with your debit card, you can get an email or mobile alert letting you know that you have done so. These will make you accountable for your spending and remind you of how much you have spent and how much you have left in your account.
10Do It Yourself
DIY has become an acronym for the brave at heart who take on and complete projects themselves. If you have the skill set, willingness to learn and most importantly patience, you can complete almost any project by yourself and save money doing it. Gardening, for example, can be counted as a DIY project. You will be able to save on fresh produce during the winter months if you can your harvest.

By completing projects by yourself, you will save money. You can paint the house, sew curtains, refinish furniture that you picked up for a steal at a yard sale, build a fence, re-work and refashion clothing the list of projects really is endless.

Sit down right now and begin the first step, budgeting. From there, you will know exactly how much you make, how much you need to save and how much you can then spend. Money is tight, we understand, but by spending a few hours a week building your budget, clipping coupons or tackling projects yourself, you will spend less and save more, we guarantee it.